Eqo Refer Team

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"Having the Eqo solution be text-based with no application download was a huge selling point and it's been one of the best parts of their platform for us so far"

Amy Behrends
Recruitment Sourcing Manager

Here's what to expect in the 2-min video:

– Light, quick, & branded – sent directly to your email
– Ability to share with your team internally
– If it resonates, we can set up some time for a live demo


Frequently asked questions

Common questions you might have in mind
Does Eqo integrate with my ATS & HRIS?
Yes, Eqo integrates with all major ATS and HRIS systems. See all our integrations here.
Can Eqo operate as a standalone
Yes, Eqo can operate as a standalone. We know it's easier to get buy-in and faster to move when no integrations are involved in the beginning.
What makes Eqo different than other platforms?
Organizations choose Eqo for 5 main reasons:

1) Frictionless, Text-Based Employee Experience. To maximize employee engagement, no app downloads or email logins are required for employees to access the referral portal, see all bonuses, and make a referral.

2) Targeted Team-Specific SMS Campaigns. To help you attract talent to a specific group, through Eqo, you can send text campaigns to specific teams or locations to further increase their awareness and engage them with your program.

3) Complimentary Strategy Support & Marketing Banners. To keep your program active all year, you'll have a fractional employee referral program manager who will help with creative, marketing and program strategies – and you'll be provided with branded roll-up banners, posters and business cards, all complimentary!

4) Eve, the AI-powered ERP Assistant. Every Eqo customer now gets Eve alongside the Eqo platform. Eve helps capture referrals made on applications (outside of Eqo), match misspelled names to the right employee (Bob vs Robert), and sends reminders to employees still using older referral methods, directing them to your new text-to-refer process.

5) Hiring Event Referrals. To maximize the effectiveness of your hiring events and encourage employees to share the word about those, Eqo allows your employees to refer others to your hiring events and get rewarded if their invitee gets hired. Our system automatically adjust the reward amounts.
Do my employees have to download an app?
No, to provide an easy user-experience for frontline employee, Eqo is a full end-to-end text-based experience. This means your employees can refer someone, see all bonuses, and track all their referrals all through text – without having to download any apps. Asking employees to download an app creates friction in the experience and could open up security risks.
How fast can we implement Eqo?
It depends on what ATS and HRIS you use – but we can get up and running in as fast as 4-6 weeks. Work is divided between technical implementation and functional implementation, as in working together to get your employees aware and excited about the new solution.
How much integration/technical time is needed from my IT team?
We already have connectors built with most major ATS & HRIS systems so not much technical work is required from your IT team. If you have an ATS/HRIS admin(s), the time commitment from them is between 3-5 hours for the whole 4-6 week implementation.
How does pricing work?
We're an annual license model with unlimited admin seats and referrals. We price according to company-size.
Anything special for non-profits?
Yes! We offer a 10% discount for non-profits. Please bring that to our attention during our coversations.
Eqo Refer Team

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